Saying Grace

“You say grace before meals. All right. But I say grace before the concert and the opera, and grace before the play and pantomime, and grace before I open a book, and grace before sketching, painting, swimming, fencing, boxing, walking, playing, dancing and grace before I dip the pen in the ink.” –G. K. Chesterton

#1442- 1464

I say grace when…

We are welcomed at the airport by wonderful friends.

When I hug my son and see his eyes.

When I see my children hugging each other, and friends smiling and joy is overflowing.

When I see the wonderful family of God that loves us and welcomes us with a warm heart; what a gift!

When an honorable young man gives me my lost cell-phone (I dropped it on the snow-covered street, and did not notice until few hours later!)

When two little girls play for hours, and hours and hours.

When we feel at home at our friends’ home.

When we have apple-puffed pancake for breakfast.

When it snows, and I am feeling my son’s embrace.

When brothers meet and laughter is present.

Our oldest is standing on a hill, they are about the same height (a note to those who know them personally)

I give thanks when snow seems to be falling only for us.


I give thanks when snow falls and the girls play and forget to eat (and remember how hungry they are when they start making “ice-cream” with the snow)

When I hear the bagpipes…

Ad visit our friends in their farm: Oh, how much they teach us!

When yummy bread is out of the oven, ready to serve as potato soup bowl.

I give thanks for a dear friend that is an inspiration.

I give grace for great food, great company, great friends.

Isn’t this beautiful? Helping hands, little chefs, willing to help, ready to serve. I give thanks for them.

I give thanks when we are granted moments that turn into beautiful memories.

When we find a place on the table to celebrate Thanksgiving with our family in Spokane, WA.

I give thanks when I hear laughter in the kitchen over “mid-night snacks”

I give thanks for all of my friends who are praying through The Valley of Vision with me.

I give thanks when I miss my Beloved Husband and I count the days to be in his arms again (less than three days!)

I give thanks when is late at night and I go to bed and think to myself: God is good indeed!

May we abound in thanksgiving and singing; may we learn to give thanks in all.


Thanks to my daughter for letting me use some of her pictures for this post.

6 thoughts on “Saying Grace

  1. What I truly love, dear sister, is that I know you also give thanks in times of affliction and adversity, making these joyful times of thanksgiving all the sweeter. Thank you, Becky, for consistently showing what it means to glorify God in all we do and always giving thanks for the unmerited bounty which Our Father in Heaven so generously and freely bestows upon us. I have learned much by your example in the many months since becoming friends in Christ.

    Much love to you!


  2. Wonderful! How nice to see the picture of Amy, and I confess I'm jealous, (in a most acceptable way, I'm sure…LOL) that your friends had the pleasure of your company!! What a blessing to be able to spend this holiday with your son and to break bread with brothers and sisters in Christ. Thank you for sharing all of the pictures. Love you!


  3. Becky,
    Love this post.
    Fun things to give thanks for… There is nothing quiite like playing in the snow… and the wonderful food that follows especially in the sharing of it with folks we love. (Love the pix)

    You attitude of making the warp and woof of life sacred moments is contagious.
    Good encouragement, dear Sister,


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