Memorize by Heart, Live by It -An Invitation to Memorize Titus-

Elizabeth Hankins and I met when we memorized Philippians together with Tim Brister’s group: P2R last year. After that big project, we journey together through the book of James, and let me tell you that the time we spent in those books, meditating on them daily for several weeks was life changing. I must admit, just to encourage you,  that even though I was able, by God’s grace,  to persevere and finish both books,  I attempted to recite both of them to my sister this past Holiday and I couldn’t do it without hesitating! From this I learned two lessons:

1. It doesn’t matter. The time I spent digging the books, studying them, mediating on them was a time well spent. The Word of the Lord doesn’t return void. Never.

2. I need to review more and more what I have already memorized because I really want to be able to recite those books fluently next time I see my sister.

Elizabeth and I are now ready to start a new memory project this year: the book of Titus, and we would love it if you decide to join us.

We think we should be able to memorize Titus by paragraphs (5-7 verses), however, there are a couple of paragraphs that will probably need to be divided into two sections. We are thinking that we can do it in nine weeks, which would have us finishing up around Easter Sunday.

The general schedule (that Elizabeth put together for us) is this:

Week 1 ~ Titus 1:1-4
Week 2 ~ Titus 1:5-9
Week 3 ~ Titus 1:10-16
Week 4 ~ Titus 2: 1-6
Week 5 ~ Titus 2:7-10 (A short “grace” week for those who need to play catch up.)
Week 6 ~ Titus 2:11-15
Week 7 ~ Titus 3:1-7
Week 8 ~ Titus 3:8-11
Week 9 ~ Titus 3:12-15

We will start on the Lord’s Day, February 5, and God willing we’ll finish on Easter Sunday, April 8. Sometime soon we’ll be sharing a PDF for you to carry in your purse, car, pocket, etc. or maybe you want to cut it and paste it on a Moleskine.

If you want to join us I would really recommend you to get a good Bible commentary on Titus and a journal. Each week copy the weekly verses and jot down your notes from the commentary you are studying. This is one of my favorite parts of these memory projects.

You may want to check these resources:


From the archives of this blog: How to Memorize the Scriptures 
This photo shows my copy book (where I also jotted down the notes from the commentary I used), my journible and memory Moleskine that I used when memorizing Philippians.


I will be using this commentary through the project:
(Ligonier carries the paperback edition)


If you rather listen or read to some sermons consider these:

John Piper has a few sermons on Titus.
John MacArthur’s sermons are found here.
C.H. Spurgeon’s sermons are available here.

Have a most blessed day, my friends!

Oh wait!  I almost forgot to tell you about these beautiful -and free- printables that Melissa has made for you!



9 thoughts on “Memorize by Heart, Live by It -An Invitation to Memorize Titus-

  1. Hey Becky, this is awesome! I need to think about it. I've got a writing project going right now along with everything else I do as a wife and mother and of course my theology studies. But it looks like I have a couple of weeks to think about it and discuss with my husband. 🙂


  2. My first thought was “I'd like to, but no”, since I will be having a baby at the same time. But, I will try. I think it will be a good way to make sure I'm not neglecting God's Word during those difficult newborn days.


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