Gratitude Monday


“It is a pity that our tears on account of our troubles should so blind our eyes that we should not see our mercies.” – John Flavel

#1301- 1371

I am grateful because through these past weeks, God has kept our eyes open to see His mercies; and this mercy is on the top of my list because being able to see Him and give Him thanks at all times, in all seasons, is not “natural”, it is the work of the Spirit in us.

I thank the Lord for my sister’s health, and her quick recovery.

For provision to visit her and her family.

For the body of Christ that knows no boundaries and has been interceding for us; for our brothers and sisters that have cried with us.

For the hope that we have in the Lord and in the resurrection.

For technology that help us to stay very close with those we love so much.

For children’s laughter.

For my sister’s faith in the Lord.

Knowing that God sustains us through the darkest valley.

For the Grace that He gives us day by day to endure moment after moment.

Books written to help us during the trials.

For my husband; I can never thank God enough for Him.

I am so grateful for our son Santiago, for all the days, the hours, the minutes we have spent together.

For the invaluable gift of seeing him grow fearing the Lord and honoring His Word.

For the days ahead; knowing that God will be with our son as he goes to college is what makes us smile at the future.

For our church family.

These words full of truth:

“Christian contentment is that sweet,
inward, quiet, gracious frame of spirit,
which freely submits to and delights in
God’s wise and fatherly disposal in
every condition.”   Jeremiah Burroughs


“From the bottom of my heart I pity that man who never reads his Bible. I wonder whence he expects to draw his consolation by-and-by. I do implore him to change his plan—and to change it without delay!…

The Bible applied to the heart by the Holy Spirit, is the only treasury of consolation. Without it we have nothing to depend on; “our feet will slide in due time” (Deut. 32:35). With it we are like those who stand on a rock. That man is ready for anything—who has got a firm hold of God’s promises. Once more, then, I say to every reader, arm yourself with a thorough knowledge of God’s Word. Read it, and be able to say, “I have hope, because it is thus and thus written! I am not afraid, because it is thus and thus written!” Happy is that soul who can say with Job, “I have esteemed the words of his mouth—more than my necessary food! (Job 23. 12)”   J.C. Ryle

 “The Lord is my helper—and I will not fear.”


6 thoughts on “Gratitude Monday

  1. Becky, just back from a wonderful trip to the mountains of Hidalgo. God was worshiped in spirit and in truth! His name was lifted high as the building was dedicated and believers were baptized! I am full of gratitude for His grace and mercies in our going! I have been praying for your family during these hard days and will continue as your son leaves for college! I'm also full of gratitude for your blog which always points my heart to our All-Glorious God! Wanda


  2. Becky, I love your list and corresponding quotes. My prayers continue for you and your precious sister, and I also pray for your son and your heart as he goes off to school! Grace and love!


  3. It's a blessing to read your post, Gratitude Monday, this morning, Becky. Thank you for sharing these truths. You have encouraged me much already, through the best of times and the worst of times – true testimony to the glory of God! I heed your advice, sister, and am grateful that you share in love that which God has given to you. I have much to be thankful for, each and ever day, no matter what my circumstances. My understanding of this has grown immensely and wouldn't have were it not for the Word of God and the knowledge that has been given to me in this regard and so many others!

    Many blessings to you and yours, Becky. You and your family are in my prayers and I will be praying for Santiago as he takes this big step off to college. It is so wonderful to see the hand of God on his head and the joy that brings to your hearts!

    With love and gratitude,



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