>HOPE… A Precious Promise


These are some of the lines I have highlighted on Romans by R.C Sproul.

The only difference between hope and faith is that faith looks to what has already taken place, and we put our trust in it. Hope is merely faith looking forward” 

Hope is the anchor that keeps us from being blown all over the place. It is the hope that God is going to do in the future every single thing he has said he will do. The fruit of justification is that kind of hope.”

“Hope is not taking a deep breath and hoping things are going to turn out all right. It is assurance that God is going to do what he says He will do…. It is the solid stability that anchors the soul.”

We don’t know what lies ahead.
We can’t see beyond the moment we are living,
However, we can see YOU in your Word.
We can see the promises
that we have in Christ Jesus.
All Yes and Amen.
Hope is one of them.
No mountain will raise that you can’t  help us climb.
No valley is to deep where we can’t  see You.
No tomorrow is too uncertain
because You have been there.
Thank you, O God,
because You have justified us,
and in our justification we find
what we most desperately need:
Peace with You through our Lord Jesus Christ;
Access by grace into this wonderful grace
in which we firmly stand,
and rejoicing in HOPE of the
glory of God.
Praying for you, that your life may be anchored in that solid stability:

11 thoughts on “>HOPE… A Precious Promise

  1. >"Hope is not taking a deep breath and hoping things are going to turn out all right. It is assurance that God is going to do what he says He will do"Loved the quotes from Sproul but especially the above. If our hope is in God alone, then it cannot help but be secure.


  2. >Thank you for this, Becky. Romans 5:1 is one of my favorite verses because it is past tense. It has been done. The peace is set and can't be taken away. We are no longer His enemies but His friends, through faith. Amazing thought!When reading Sproul's quotes about anchor…I was reminded of Hebrews 6:19 speaking of the anchor of the soul–the hope we have in the unchangeableness of His purpose. It is so very encouraging! Thanks and the Lord bless you.


  3. >I want this to be my prayer every day. Such encouraging words! I really like how RC Sproul described hope in relation to faith. Christians have no reason to be hopeless, though we may be tricked into thinking we do sometimes.


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