Read All the Books in the Bible – A Little Bit of Encouragement-

Have you chosen a Bible plan to follow this year? I am very, very happy with my reading plan because it allows me to have all the flexibility I love, and at the same time it helps me not to leave out books like Amos or Numbers. Sisters, no matter which Bible Reading plan you follow, I encourage you to put every effort to read all the Bible this year (or most of it!), not only the Psalms.

Today I am sharing the way I have learned to read those “difficult” books over at Desiring Virtue. Would you come over?


Have you read about my journey into the vast Ocean of Words and entered your name for the giveaway of the book Wordsmithy by Douglas Wilson?

Desiring Virtue

3 thoughts on “Read All the Books in the Bible – A Little Bit of Encouragement-

  1. I am trying M'Cheyne's plan for the first time. I am really enjoying it. I love your passion for words, Becky. It has been challenging adjusting to all the different words here in the UK and the different meanings. It is far greater than I anticipated.


  2. I'm doing the 3650 Challenge (Professor Horner's plan) that Tim Challies has started. Reading 10 chapters a day has been easier than I expected, and it has blessed me more than I expected. I really like that the readings aren't tied to a date because if I miss a day, I just resume reading where I am without feeling behind.And I like the variety of reading in 10 different places each day.


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