>From Michelle’s Kitchen to Yours -Breakfast Muffins-

>Michelle who blogs at Losing Michelle sent me this wonderful recipe for breakfast muffins to share with you; and as soon as I received it, I looked for the first opportunity to bake them for my family. The result: Big smiles and crumbs all over the table.

By Michelle Sneed

1 pound of sausage
1 1/2 cup of shredded cheddar cheese
1 can of cheddar cheese soup
3 cups of Biscuick
2 tbs of butter/margarine
3/4 cup of milk

Brown your sausage and drain.
Mix with shredded cheese and Bisquick.
Add butter, milk, and soup and stir.

Spoon into a greased muffin tin and bake approx. 20 minutes. Makes 24!

I usually bag up 12 for the week and throw twelve in the freezer to pull out on Sunday for church! Makes preparing for worship much easier!

In my country we can’t find Bisquick, so I found this way to substitute it:


Biscuit Mix Substitute
For each 1 cup biscuit mix (like Bisquick) called for in a recipe, use 1 cup all-purpose flour, 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder, 1/2 teaspoon salt and 1 tablespoon vegetable shortening.

Happy baking!


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6 thoughts on “>From Michelle’s Kitchen to Yours -Breakfast Muffins-

  1. >I made a similar recipe but without the shredded cheese. Unfortunately, the sausage biscuits looked almost like chocolate chip scones. One little girl bit into one expecting chocolate. 🙂


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