Saturday’s Six

%r%XwMN7SNqjtI+r+G3xcAHere are six things for you on this Saturday:

1. The first one is a little anecdote that happened to me and my husband this weekend. We were in a large business dinner with people we were just getting to know, when, a few minutes into the conversation with the couple across the table, the gentleman asked my husband, “So, from what I know of you, and what you are saying, I am assuming you are Christian, Christian, Christian, right?”  To which we answered, “Yes, we are Christians.”

This made us chuckle afterwards and think how if in your head there exists room for someone to be a Christian or a Christian, Christian, Christian, then something is off in yous definition of Christian.

2. On our ongoing series of Faithful Obedience we have been reading of Christian women living out their faith in the “here and in the now.” Well, a dear family from our church, the Boyds, recently received the news that Liz has breast cancer. Her response to the news has been such a powerful example to all of us of what it means to live in faithful obedience. You can read it here.

3. Looking for books on contentment? These are the best 6 (the last two books are heavily inspired on the first three books):

1) The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment by J. Burroughs
2) All Things for Good by Thomas Watson
3) The Mystery of Providence by John Flavel
4) The Quest for Meekness and Quietness of Spirit by Matthew Henry
5) Learning Contentment: A Study for Ladies of Every Age by Nancy Wilson
6) The Power of Christian Contentment by Andrew M. Davis

4. I love what these guys do. Check out their store here.

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5. On this week’s email -that we send to the women who are doing the Bible Reading Challenge, I hope to encourage them not to skim through the hard books of the Bible, but read diligently and intentionally. You can read it here.

6. Here is a wonderful resource to memorize and sing the Psalms. Our church has now a Spotify playlist with the Psalms of Dr. Erb that you will love. Find it here.

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Have a wonderful Sabbath!

Under God’s sun and by His grace,

Becky Pliego